What is meant by lead and click?

Welcome to this article where we'll define what Leads and Clicks are.

So, what exactly is a Lead?

Well, it's when a prospective student fills out a contact form requesting information from you. We'll pass along their details so you can send them the information they need about your courses.

Here's an example of what a completed contact form might look like:

What is meant by "CPL"?

If you're wondering what CPL means, it stands for "Cost per Lead" and refers to the cost of acquiring a lead.


What is a click?

When a prospective student clicks on a link from our portals to your website, that counts as a click.

What is meant by "CPC"?

Similar to CPL, CPC (Cost per Click) refers to the cost of redirecting a click.

Please note that prospective students who click to your website multiple times in a day will still only be counted and charged once.